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Give5 Update

When we went to Kenya recently, we again asked for people to "Give5" to a child in Africa. We assigned names and ages - and people generously donated incredible gift bags for the children of our artists in Kenya and a local school in the slums. People gave and gave and gave some more. It was incredible!  I'm realizing it's hard to be photographer, videographer and organize the distribution of the gifts - but we were able to get some footage and we are happy to share the video here. We also have just received some hand written thank you letters from SEED school which you can see at the end.  We can not begin to thank you enough for...

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Bryan's View: Education

Education is one fundamental resource that every human being should be subjected to. In Kibera slums we have a huge lot of uneducated youths who end up terrorizing the lives of their educated counterparts. Without proper education here in Kibera Slums, a large majority ends up becoming exactly the opposite of what society expects from them. Boys start stealing and breaking into people's homes. This is therefore a major source of insecurity but with proper education this profanity can be reversed hence the youths here can be kept busy with schoolwork or engage themselves with other legit things that can help build this vast community of Kibera or themselves as individuals. Through proper education, the youths can come up with...

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Sarah's Insights: Refugees

Refugee. What do you think when you hear that word? I picture large groups of people in refugee camps, tent cities and line-ups for food and water. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are actually 7 different categories that refugees can be sorted in to. They include refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced people (IDPs) and stateless persons.The stories of refugees and their plight have been in the news lately. 13,000 people have been have been rescued at sea and hundreds of people have lost their lives trying to flee Libya by crossing the Mediterranean Sea to enter Italy. A personal account of someone who has done so can be read HERE.I have no frame of reference when...

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Bryan's View: Crime Talk

Kibera slum home to over 500,000 Nairobi residents is Africa’s biggest slum. 70% of the slum dwellers are mainly the youths who are considered to be the backbone of Nairobi’s urban economy. Only a small percent of the youth, about 9% are employed by the national government of Kenya. Majorities are jobless and a great number are self-employed or engage themselves in pro-productive side hustles. Crime capitals The slums of Nairobi remain the capital crime centers of the country and Kibera is one of them. A lot are being committed by jobless youths who usually spend the rest of their days at strategic chilling points in the slum known as ‘Jobless Corner’. Here there are many youths, chewing khat; commonly known...

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JustOne Person: Christine

Note from Krista: Christine and I have been friends for years through photography. I have loved being a part of her Smiling Eyes Project - and just had to have her share about it. Chris is an inspiring, vibrant person who embraces life wholeheartedly! Let me introduce you to this incredible woman - JustOne Person making a difference... JustOne Introduction: I'm a mother to twin 12 year old girls who make me want to be a better human being every day. I'm a wife to an amazing man of 17 years who has allowed me to follow my dreams from day one . I've been a professional photographer for 11 years and couldn't imagine doing anything else . Random fact...

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